The Parish Office will be CLOSED on Tuesday 20th & Thursday 22nd June
The Parish Office will be CLOSED on Tuesday 20th & Thursday 22nd June due to summer vacations.
The Parish Office will be CLOSED on Tuesday 20th & Thursday 22nd June due to summer vacations.
will be held on the weekend of 24th /25th June after Masses in the Parish Centre. This cake sale is to enable us to send a person to Lourdes or to fund a helper. We appreciate all the help i.e., bakers / raffle items, volunteers etc. Raffle tickets for sale in the Parish Centre.
No 10.00am Mass on Tuesday morning 6th June as there is no Electricity in the Church all day.
The Parish Office will be closed on Tuesday 6th June 2023 due to no electricity. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
On Monday June 5th at 7.00pm we have the annual Cemetery Mass, during which we will pray for all who have gone before us to God. We are expecting a very large crowd at the Mass so in the interest of Health and Safety we ask that all people comply with the Parking. There
Due to the pressure of our Priests and the numbers attending Mass, we have been advised to have two Masses at the weekend Saturday 7.00pm & Sunday 11.00am commencing the first weekend in June. We hope that this will be acceptable to you all.
The Parish Team