18 02, 2021

Important message from An Garda Síochána Crime Prevention Unit

Important message from An Garda Síochána Crime Prevention Unit

Gardaí are receiving an ever increasing number of complaints in relation to fraudulent and illegal scams. The scams can come in the form of texts, emails, telephone calls to your mobile or landline or even through social media. They can be difficult to spot as the

3 02, 2021

New Sports field

New Sports field

We are happy to announce that the long awaited works on the New Sports field on the school lane has begun. The pathway to the Church will be moved a few yards closer to the Parish Centre with new fencing creating a safer area both for pedestrians and for the Parish Centre.

25 01, 2021

Weekly Envelope Box:

Weekly Envelope Box: can be picked up in the Parish Office on Mon – Wed – Fri morning from 10am to 11:30am


25 01, 2021

Affordable Live-in Homecare:

Affordable Live-in Homecare: provides live-in carers for the elderly in your area. If you are looking for a live-in carer for your relative, please call Eileen or Tom  today on 087 9916791 or 087 7440729. Our website is www.alhomecare.ie


16 10, 2020

Donation Buttons on Kandle Website:

Donation Buttons on Kandle Website: There are now two easy to use electronic ‘Donate Buttons’  on the front page of the diocesan website www.kandle.ie

  1. The first button is called ‘ Parish Collections’. This button allows a donor to donate to any of our parishes towards the Weekly Collection of the Clergy Collection. At the
20 07, 2020


Please note: you can also view the Mass webcam by clicking the Link under Masess-coming week.

Link is under Mass times in RED






30 05, 2020

To view our Webcam

Our new webcam is being configured still by MCN`s website people

and they cannot yet tell me the permanent web link address.

However, for tomorrows funeral and for the weekend masses, please note the following instruction:

Press Click` on the address below which will be posted on our Parish website.

You will see a picture of our church, click on

30 05, 2020



Donation Buttons on Kandle Website:  There are now two easy way to use electronic ‘Donate Buttons’ on the front page of the diocesan website www.kandle.ie


The first button is called ‘Parish Collections’.  This button allows a donor to donate to any of our parishes towards the Weekly collection or the

7 05, 2020

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: will take place every Saturday morning from 9am – 12 noon, at the main Altar of the Church. Social distancing guidelines will be followed.

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