Welcome into the Christian family
Baptism is the Church’s sacrament of welcome. It celebrates the person’s belonging to the Christian community. It affirms his/her dignity as a beloved child of God, a member of the Body of Christ and a temple of the Holy Spirit. It proclaims that this person lives in a world where grace has conquered sin.
The emphasis in our understanding of baptism has changed in recent times. Many of us are familiar with a focus on the ‘stain’ of original sin being ‘wiped out’ by the Sacrament. Today we are more inclined to put focus on the community.
The Christian community is rooted in the death and resurrection of Jesus, whereby we are one with God and liberated from the power of sin. Baptism celebrates our incorporation into this community, to share its joy and to grow in relationship with the God of Love.
Journey together
At each baptism, we proclaim our belief in the dignity of the person being initiated. We are affirming our commitment to sharing our faith with this person in a way that will enable him or her in time to make their own free response.
Our understanding of baptism is not simply something that is ‘done’ to the child. It is the start of a journey of faith, a journey that is travelled together by the family. The tradition of godparents stands for the participation of the wider Christian community on this journey. Their loving affection for the baptised child expresses the care of the whole Christian family.
Arranging a Baptism.
To arrange a baptism in St. Mary’s Church, Edenderry, contact the Parish office. Phone 046 -9733311. E.mail
Office hours Monday to Friday 9.30am – 1pm.
Preparation meeting for parents.
Edenderry Parish requires parents to attend a preparation meeting before presenting their child for baptism. These meetings are held once a month in the Parish Centre. Further details from the Parish office.
Dates for Baptism ceremonies.
Baptisms take place once a week, alternating between Saturdays at 12 Noon and Sundays at 12.15.
Baptismal Certificates.
Baptismal certificates can be obtained from the Parish office. To facilitate us on our search for your Baptismal certificate, we need the following details:
- Name of your child
- Father’s Name and mother’s maiden name
- Date of birth
- Full postal address
Oil. White Robe. Candle light.
The baby is blessed into the family of love at the water Font. The oil of Chrism is a reminder that we serve God in serving the need of others. The white Robe is a sign of a new way of life. The candle is a sign that Christ shares his life and lives in this child. May the baby become aware of our family relations. The Father, who cares lovingly. The Son who gives generously, the Spirit who stays with us faithfully. Amen. May the baby become a good community person. Amen. May the baby discover the wonder of being human. Amen. May the baby experience joy and give joy. Amen.
2 Godparents ONLY are recommended at each Baptism during these COVID times. This will be strictly adhered to.